Monday, February 20, 2006

I am blogging because....

I didn't want to wake up from a beautiful dream, but it's Monday and Sir Alarm Clock says it's time to drag my arse to work...

My mind is sleeping but I can see my body in my work station...

I am physically tired, I have an aching back (maybe crying because it's being taken away from its "crib") and I want to have a back rub...

Sleepyhead strikes again but I had to buy my bread and butter...

I am bored watching the same world go by...

I just want to gaze at a blank wall without batting an eyelash but I just can't without giving my colleagues a hint to bring me to a shrink...

I just can't do anything worthwhile at the minute, Ms. Gray Matter is taking an absence without leave (maybe on space travel)...

I want to swirl nosedive and sommersault in between to wake me up inside but office decorum says I just can't...

Well, I can go on and on and on....

But don't I have enough reasons not to blog?

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